Biennial Conference

September 2005 Congress Presentations

Following up on the successful 20th anniversary inaugural residential conference held in 2003 another one was held this September at Enghien les Bains in the comfortable Hotel du Lac. Attended by some 40 delegates, the theme was Information Intelligence.

This subject was opened by Alain Juillet who, with his high level back-ground and wide experience, explored the growing use of IT within the sphere of economic intelligence. Next Microsoft spoke of the challenges they face and of the new approach they plan to take to help industry.

To close the first day, delegates were fortunate to have the ICAEW president Ian Morris speak on the importance of partnerships in the broad sense of the term. An excellent dinner, followed by an open bar, seemed to discourage any tempting habits at the nearby casino.

The second day was opened by Jack Anderson with an entertaining and highly researched Misery Index and the key role played by taxation. Coffee was followed with a skilful presentation of progress on the European 8th directive by Dr Manuzi from the ICAEW office in Brussels. To close, Ian this time fielded general questions from the floor.

The success of these conferences has already encouraged the Council to continue the bi-annual nature of the event and thus to initiate plans for the next one in 2007.

The Business Lunch

Held the second Wednesday every month. This is a regular networking event hosted by Jonathan Cooper of The Spectrum IFA Group, in conjunction with the Franco British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Institute of Directors, the Association of British Accountants in France, the Department for International Trade, France, the British Council, and the Standard Athletic Club. If you are interested, please contact Edwina at