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The object of the association is to promote the common interests of its members in the realms of training, communication and relations with other associations.

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Forthcoming Meetings

CSRD from a French perspective

Tuesday 8 April 2025 / 18h30-19h30

8 April
Gain valuable CPD and hear from Sarah Bagnon-Szkoda on the implementation of CSRD, its transposition in France and the current and future challenges of sustainability reporting.

Join us for a comprehensive dive into the implementation of the CSRD and get a better understanding of the current and future challenges of sustainable reporting.

The year 2025 marks a decisive turning point for ESG reporting with the entry into force of the CSRD directive. A cornerstone of new sustainability reporting requirements for companies, this text is now being questioned by the Omnibus project. In an unstable political context, the importance of sustainability for companies has never been more evident. Discover how France, with its specificities, has transposed this European legislation and what the expectations are for sustainability reporting for companies.

On the agenda:

  • Overview of European news (transposition of the CSRD in the European territory, Omnibus Initiative, and the state of the art of the text in France).
  • Reporting on sustainability information: the information to be published in accordance with ESRS standards and the Taxonomy Regulation.
  • Sustainability assurance: Guidelines in France.

The webinar will begin at 18:00, please join a few minutes early so there is a prompt start.

Our speaker will be Sarah Bagnon-Szkoda – Partner heading the ESG Department of Professional Practice at KPMG and Chair of the Sustainability Commission of the CNCC.

Please note that the majority of this session will be in French.

There is no charge for this event but booking is essential.


Paris ICAEW member social

Tuesday 25 March 2025 / 18h30-20h30

Tuesday 25 March 2025
O’Sullivans pub
Paris 75008

We’re returning to O’Sullivan’s in March for our spring networking evening.
Catch up with fellow chartered accountants over drinks and nibbles at this fun member social.
Don’t miss out – places are limited.



The Business Lunch

Held the second Wednesday every month. This is a regular networking event hosted by Jonathan Cooper of The Spectrum IFA Group, in conjunction with the Franco British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Institute of Directors, the Association of British Accountants in France, the Department for International Trade, France, the British Council, and the Standard Athletic Club. If you are interested, please contact Edwina at edwina@thebizlunch.com